A Colorized Snowball Fight from 1896

Home Kanban Paradigms Lab A Colorized Snowball Fight from 1896

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    A Colorized Snowball Fight from 1896

    A short clip, originally captured by Louis Lumière in 1896, documents a rowdy snowball fight on the streets of Lyon, France. Thanks to Barcelona-based Joaquim Campa, who used the open-source software DeOldify to upscale and colorize the historic footage, the video of the winter pastime is incredibly clear, revealing facial features and details on garments.


    [:zh]最初由路易斯·卢米埃尔于1896年拍摄的一个短片,记录了法国里昂街头一场喧闹的打雪仗。多亏了巴塞罗那的若阿金·坎帕,他使用开源软件DeOldify对历史镜头进行了升级和着色,这个冬季消遣的视频非常清晰,揭示了面部特征和服装细节。[:en]A short clip, originally captured by Louis Lumière in 1896, documents a rowdy snowball fight on the streets of Lyon, France. Thanks to Barcelona-based Joaquim Campa, who used the open-source software DeOldify to upscale and colorize the historic footage, the video of the winter pastime is incredibly clear, revealing facial features and details on garments.[:]

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