Subscribe to ArtThat Now

By Timestamp Your Footprints On The Blockchain, ArtThat is dedicated to act as a digital copyright protection platform for those have enthusiasm in lifestyle and aesthetics to unleash their potentials by displaying their distinct and novel projects, events and works in front of the public.

As your digital promotion partner, through our 50,000+ high-end audiences, including entrepreneurs, company managers, famous artists and designers, luxury property landlords, celebrities and other influential figures, we aim to show high quality contents and events of lifestyle and aesthetics to enlarge the customer base.

Audience analysis

Gender: 47% male and 53% female.
Age: 26-35, 41.6%; 36-45, 31.4%; > 45, 16.7%.
Territory: Shanghai 36.4%, Guangzhou 12.1%, Beijing 9.9%.
Industry: Finance, Construction, Real Estate, Science and Technology
Level: 40% Middle Management Or Above, Business Owners

Total Monthly Views: >200,000

The mission of ArtThat Now is to make accessible the lifestyle and aesthetics of our time. ArtThat Now is completely managed – we do all of the uploading and maintenance for you.

Your subscription gives you:

• Featured on our bilingual website
• Recommended on Flipboard
• Featured in our Official Public Accounts
• Timestamp On The Blockchain
• Featured in our eNewsletters *
• 360° VR panoramas H5 Web App *

Annual subscription is ¥1980/post or VR spot(25 m2) for the first event. Subsequent events receive a 20% discount and cost ¥1580/post or VR spot(25 m2). (Mark * is not included)

Submit A Venue/Project

Please use this form to submit documentation of current wines tastings, exhibitions, performances, talks, or other public activities taking place there. We will add each project as soon as we can.

For further information please click About Us. Attached files please email to editors(at); Flash-disk, Brochures and other paperworks please contact us:

Tel: +86 21 5188 8595
Inquiry: info(at)
WeChat Public Account: artthat