(中文) 看展、刷剧……给你两眼视觉盛宴的新一期上海巡城指南出炉
(中文) 来一场三个月不知肉味的巡城记,就在这两眼的视觉盛宴中,在上海正在和即将发生的艺术盛事里。游艺生活从艺廊网开始,欢迎关注艺廊网微信公众号“artthat”或访问HTML5官网订阅。
(中文) 来一场三个月不知肉味的巡城记,就在这两眼的视觉盛宴中,在上海正在和即将发生的艺术盛事里。游艺生活从艺廊网开始,欢迎关注艺廊网微信公众号“artthat”或访问HTML5官网订阅。
(中文) Bremont宝名表始于2002年,由Nick和Giles English两兄弟共同创立,一经问世便迅速对腕表制造业产生了巨大的影响,品牌支柱是英国制造、航空军事领域以及冒险精神。
The Boston-based artist tends to cluster the individual pieces into larger works, creating sprawling reefs and diverse ecosystems brimming with color and texture.
‘The soil was a horizonless external gut—digestion and salvage everywhere—flocks of bacteria surfing on waves of electrical charge—chemical weather systems—subterranean highways—slimy infective embrace—seething intimate contact on all sides.’
Combining visual art, virtual space and technology, the dance has been brought to life via motion capture with each virtual dancer designed through the lens of artists from all over the world; each representing their own unique experiences of the pandemic.
His intellectual curiosity and rigorous thinking are paired with a heightened sensibility for human strife. And all his artworks are witness to this uncompromising commitment to “La Condition Humaine“.
(中文) 本参考书将从数字藏品的定义、现状、风险、规范、资质、案例等方面进行专业论述,旨在为数字藏品行业相关区块链平台、发行平台及用户的应用和国家相关部门的监管提供理论参考。
(中文) 这在当时似乎是个完美的主意,过后却感觉愚蠢至极;不记得点了这个还是那个;遇到的故事以前都听过;不知道自己是为何总陷入这种境地…种种这些情形不禁会让你觉得人生不如意十之八九,那就常想一二吧。
A bright blue bodega, clustered wooden complexes, and a classic design emblazoned with a Swiss flag occupy the lush landscape of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden this summer.
(中文) 从像树皮一样伪装的昏昏欲睡的猫头鹰,到蹒跚而行的大凤头鸊鷉(pì tī),展示的让人啧啧称奇的鸟类,是从全球摄影师的一两万幅参赛作品中挑选出来的。