(中文) 免费大展上新!去“大烟囱”看“活性建筑”下的《影之道》
by(中文) 《影之道》方案将建筑的“活性”聚焦到中国南方一种半自然、半人工、半室内的集体空间状态“阴影”,识别并呈现了一类独特的“阴影”场所与建筑。
(中文) 《影之道》方案将建筑的“活性”聚焦到中国南方一种半自然、半人工、半室内的集体空间状态“阴影”,识别并呈现了一类独特的“阴影”场所与建筑。
They invite you to daydream alongside them, paying attention to the little things in life and recalling good memories to turn your city life into a fairytale adventure.
With a keen eye for detail and color, they have shot the most gorgeous house and private residence all around the world, the most exquisite hotels, open space interiors, and minimalist homes for the best interior design publications.