(中文) 请给我一个金拱门 然后一起坐看浮世绘也有嘻哈
by(中文) 这动起来的浮世绘名作使日本江户时代浓郁的商业和生活场景穿越到眼前,妙趣又魔性,鲜活而任性。满屏扑面的Freestyle感,让你不得不大赞,原来浮世绘也有嘻哈!
(中文) 这动起来的浮世绘名作使日本江户时代浓郁的商业和生活场景穿越到眼前,妙趣又魔性,鲜活而任性。满屏扑面的Freestyle感,让你不得不大赞,原来浮世绘也有嘻哈!
Though the original work, we hope to let you see the marks of cultural development through early craftsmanship and recall our childhood memories of anime.
In this particular period, we curate a group exhibition including five Chinese and Japanese artists. The theme of the exhibition, Shunga Yobai, has always been an interest of us.