(中文) 图鉴:拯救美好回忆的住宅长什么样?还有能显出你性格的翻新设计
by(中文) 就如斯堪的纳维亚源于自然的美学,我们要为生活而设计,注重功能实用、融合美感和以人为本,就从这儿让美学触角深入到生活的方方面面,一起来打造属于你的百搭空间新范式吧。
(中文) 就如斯堪的纳维亚源于自然的美学,我们要为生活而设计,注重功能实用、融合美感和以人为本,就从这儿让美学触角深入到生活的方方面面,一起来打造属于你的百搭空间新范式吧。
The battles with the pandemic has pushed our industry to remain flexible and confident. And winning a MIPIM Asia Award now takes on a whole new meaning to be a leader and showcase adaptability.
A total of 33 trailblazing property developments have been recognised with the influential industry honour at the continent’s leading property awards in Asia.