(中文) 五月艺廊指南上新!为自己打造一个精神舒适圈
by(中文) 让我们放慢脚步,用艺术作品为自己打造一个精神舒适圈,让心灵在艺术的海洋中自由翱翔。五月艺廊指南上新,跟着草长莺飞,快来一起开启精彩纷呈的春日艺术之旅吧!
(中文) 让我们放慢脚步,用艺术作品为自己打造一个精神舒适圈,让心灵在艺术的海洋中自由翱翔。五月艺廊指南上新,跟着草长莺飞,快来一起开启精彩纷呈的春日艺术之旅吧!
(中文) 2023年7月21日至2024年11月5日期间,西岸美术馆借1895年至今的近300件蓬皮杜中心珍藏,为中国观众带来一次前所未有的“览肖像 · 品艺术 · 识众生 · 思人性”超凡体验。
Through whittled busts and oil-based figurative renderings, Szeto alludes to a wide array of historical moments, significant figures, and issues that continue to impact the world today.
Paint and Brush are ripe for visual wordplay: Women’s work and their brush off from much of art history, whitewashing of culture, and bristling at patriarchy, bourgeois ideals and waste.
That’s exactly the kind of scenario Japanese graphic designer Shusaku Takaoka specialises in bringing to life, and he does it with pure wit.