(中文) 五月艺廊指南上新!为自己打造一个精神舒适圈
by(中文) 让我们放慢脚步,用艺术作品为自己打造一个精神舒适圈,让心灵在艺术的海洋中自由翱翔。五月艺廊指南上新,跟着草长莺飞,快来一起开启精彩纷呈的春日艺术之旅吧!
(中文) 让我们放慢脚步,用艺术作品为自己打造一个精神舒适圈,让心灵在艺术的海洋中自由翱翔。五月艺廊指南上新,跟着草长莺飞,快来一起开启精彩纷呈的春日艺术之旅吧!
Polish artist Marta Klonowska continues her unique sculptural technique of using thousands of shards of glass to form colorful animals.
A newly-discovered drawing by Raphael and an exceptionally rare figure study by Peter Paul Rubens will lead Sotheby’s auction of Old Master Drawings in New York on 30 January.