Introducing You to the Elusive Artist: His New Graffitied Works and He Wasn’t Sorry

In what’s dubbed A Great British Spraycation, ten new artworks by Banksy recently popped up across coastal towns in England in witty interpretations of quintessential summertime fun.

Yes, that’s right-rats! Rats run around cities, they are everywhere and nowhere, always causing a stir. And, you know, that’s a bit like me. I once put 200 live rats in an art gallery. Can you imagine what that was like?

The 48-page book is cleverly written as a plainspoken autobiography, detailing both Banksy’s aesthetic sensibilities and surveying his decades-long career. Banksy Graffitied Walls and Wasn’t Sorry introduces the life and work of the anonymous street artist to some of the youngest readers.

In what’s dubbed A Great British Spraycation, ten new artworks by Banksy recently popped up across coastal towns in England in witty interpretations of quintessential summertime fun.

A short film shows the anonymous artist driving around Norfolk and Suffolk in an aging camper as he paints his signature stenciled murals of children imagining an adventure at sea, the metal claw of an arcade game descending over a bench, and a couple dancing atop of a bus stop.

Titled “Create Escape,” the clip was just posted to the artist’s social media channels and depicts the real-time creation of a stenciled artwork of a prisoner escaping the high, red brick walls of HM Prison Reading (formerly known as Reading Gaol).

The expansive and unblemished prison wall was a daring and perfect spot for a Banksy piece. The work is clearly a tribute to the poet, as the escape mechanism appears to be a long strand of paper emerging from a typewriter in place of the usual bed sheets.

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(中文) 近100件雕塑精品全面展现了中国雕塑最新创作成果,追求个性鲜明、新颖独特的艺术风格,为观众生动呈现中国雕塑摇曳多姿的作品面貌和百花齐放的丰富生态。
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