German Centre Shanghai Chooses Sennheiser to Deliver Advanced Audio Experience
With this installation, we truly had a taste of Sennheiser’s highest standard of professionalism, service standard, as well as quality advanced solutions.
With this installation, we truly had a taste of Sennheiser’s highest standard of professionalism, service standard, as well as quality advanced solutions.
(中文) 她的作品呈现较高的质量和艺术性,不同于其他西方摄影师,她对当地的民情风俗了解比较深,她喜爱这个城市和居民,这也为她的作品增添了独特的情感色彩。
With Art Basel just around the corner, Shanghai Tang has collaborated with artist Long Di to launch a limited-edition art collection called “Rui Rabbit Spring”.
HAF21 will take place as a physical, in-person event for the first time since 2019 from 13 – 15 March at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre.
(中文) 而今这一画册同样共十二开,表现了大地回春,普天之下国富民安,一派盛世升平的祥和景象。画册内容皆以 “春” 字为题,描绘美好春光。
(中文) 《你一定爱读的人工智能简史》是由日本的人工智能先驱者,将棋AI“PONANZA”的开发者之一山本一成创作的,他以非常通俗的手法,介绍了人工智能的发展历程。
(中文) 来一场三个月不知肉味的巡城记,这个早春三月一切将都渐渐苏醒,从徐汇西岸开始展览也迎来一大波的“上新种草”。漫步滨江,在阳光和春光中感受一下“艺”里“艺”气!
By looking up Sam Altman’s blog, found that he often likes to sharing his views on cutting-edge technology (AI), as well as his feelings about entrepreneurship and suggestions for start-ups and so on.
The exhibition showcases 23 works of oil on canvas and panels, revealing the artist’s take on the everyday beauty in her native neighbourhood of New York and Los Angeles.
(中文) 初观此碑似觉平常,颇有剑拔弩张之势。然细察之则一招一式颇富变化,方劲整饬中寓清灵通秀之气。其一点二画,一如刀斫般齐整,干脆利落,节奏明快,极富动感。