(中文) 你懂的!转发千年苏李别意图 守节不屈与🐏就此别过
by(中文) 这戏剧性的一幕,正提醒观者苏李二人对坚持民族气节与否有相异的抉择,境遇亦由此分途。此内含五代南唐周文矩、南宋陈居中绘卷两种,均藏于台北故宫博物院。
(中文) 这戏剧性的一幕,正提醒观者苏李二人对坚持民族气节与否有相异的抉择,境遇亦由此分途。此内含五代南唐周文矩、南宋陈居中绘卷两种,均藏于台北故宫博物院。
Adidas customers want to be able to express and try on different versions of themselves that everyday life might not allow them to, and how about you?
Each project is the subject of in-depth analysis and continuous dialogue with clients to multiply innovative solutions, integrate additional uses and reveal the potential for each space.
(中文) 来一场三个月不知肉味的巡城记,就在这两眼的视觉盛宴中,在上海正在和即将发生的艺术盛事里。游艺生活从艺廊网开始,欢迎关注艺廊网微信公众号“artthat”或访问HTML5官网订阅。
The Challenge aims to explore how the principles of a circular economy can be a catalyst for creativity, collaboration and regenerative thinking within architecture, design and fashion practice.
(中文) 今届的比赛由即日起至12月31日接受报名,并以「净零建筑环境」为主题,学生需在2023年3月31日或之前递交作品,展示有助实现净零碳目标的绿色建筑和周边小区环境。
I am looking for works that are committed to the medium. I really want to collect artists who are being innovative and thoughtful, and not just publishing in NFTs.
the 2023 fair will be the most ambitious to date, with expanded floorspace to showcase South Asia’s greatest talent, spanning cutting-edge contemporary art and modern masters, and a new Studio presenting the fair’s Digital Artist in Residence programme.
(中文) 展览将以教科书式的方式,通过精选52件/组展品完整呈现从文艺复兴至19世纪后印象派的欧洲绘画史,横跨400多年的美术史,囊括了各个时期的巨匠名作。
On the left side of the Hermès Maison in Shanghai parks a spaceship, which turns into a Christmas lighting installation to offer warmth in this winter.