(中文) 5·18国际博物馆日上海特展频出 赋彩美好生活
by(中文) 今年“5•18国际博物馆日”期间,上海市文旅局组织全市博物馆推出一系列特展,邀请大家一起相约博物馆,观钟鼎山林,闲处过平生,感受博物馆赋彩美好生活。
(中文) 今年“5•18国际博物馆日”期间,上海市文旅局组织全市博物馆推出一系列特展,邀请大家一起相约博物馆,观钟鼎山林,闲处过平生,感受博物馆赋彩美好生活。
“Sirens,” by the artistic duo Cooper & Gorfer from 25th April, 2024 to 4th August, 2024, delves into the complicated relationship between feminine traits in established social concepts and the power deep in female body.
These experiences have had a lasting impact on her artistic practice, driving her unwavering exploration of themes such as infinity and obliteration.
(中文) 让我们放慢脚步,用艺术作品为自己打造一个精神舒适圈,让心灵在艺术的海洋中自由翱翔。五月艺廊指南上新,跟着草长莺飞,快来一起开启精彩纷呈的春日艺术之旅吧!
In celebration of Nobuyoshi Araki’s upcoming 84th birthday in May this year, the dual-city collaboration will present over 200 classic works, paying tribute to him in various ways.
The campaign curates over 100 new and authentic Hong Kong ideas to inspire and reward incentive groups in response to emerging incentive travel trends.
(中文) 奉上五一艺廊指南,快来一起开启精彩纷呈的春日艺术之旅吧!2024 影像上海艺术博览会举办正热,而上海展览中心外 19 家美术馆与文化机构也在同期展览,先一睹为快。
(中文) 是什么让黑白摄影一直延续到今天?对于展览、出版和收藏领域的黑白摄影来说,去清楚地了解这种独特的美学在全世界摄影艺术收藏和爱好者心中的位置。
Chow is dedicated to supporting the Asian art community through his collection and his aim is to create an inclusive platform that attracts talent from across the world and promotes local art to a worldwide audience.
Showcasing the work of more than 150 artists, from well-established figures to emerging talents, PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai continues to be the meeting point for photography in China.