(中文) #eotd人生不如意十之八九 这有填空送分题:当下宜__________________
by(中文) 这在当时似乎是个完美的主意,过后却感觉愚蠢至极;不记得点了这个还是那个;遇到的故事以前都听过;不知道自己是为何总陷入这种境地…种种这些情形不禁会让你觉得人生不如意十之八九,那就常想一二吧。
(中文) 这在当时似乎是个完美的主意,过后却感觉愚蠢至极;不记得点了这个还是那个;遇到的故事以前都听过;不知道自己是为何总陷入这种境地…种种这些情形不禁会让你觉得人生不如意十之八九,那就常想一二吧。
A bright blue bodega, clustered wooden complexes, and a classic design emblazoned with a Swiss flag occupy the lush landscape of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden this summer.
(中文) 从像树皮一样伪装的昏昏欲睡的猫头鹰,到蹒跚而行的大凤头鸊鷉(pì tī),展示的让人啧啧称奇的鸟类,是从全球摄影师的一两万幅参赛作品中挑选出来的。
I see this artwork as an interpretation of how radiance, much like ideas and discoveries, start from one central point and expand outwards…The whole design is built around Fibonacci’s golden ratio.
Once you have a general idea of your style, you can start thinking about decorating your home in a way that reflects who you are. In this article, we will discuss decor ideas that will help get you started!
Now Submit Your Works, eight studios allow to welcome nearly thirty artists per cultural season, in a preserved environment, conducive to experimentation and dialogue.
“Photography was a gateway into so many other art forms,” says Knight. “I picked up a camera one Saturday afternoon, and from then I was obsessed… The camera for me has been a passport to life.”
Fine art photographer Kylli Sparre has continued to create her dance-inspired photographs, almost all of which depict the artist herself in various dreamlike states and situations.
Through whittled busts and oil-based figurative renderings, Szeto alludes to a wide array of historical moments, significant figures, and issues that continue to impact the world today.
If a church, once the most important haven in the community, can become a pile of ruins, what does that say about what we hold certain today?