Their Stories Live On: Exhibition on Jewish Refugees in Shanghai to Open in NYC
byThe exhibit will be open to the public for free from August 1-14, 2023, 9am-8pm, at Fosun Plaza (28 Liberty Street) in downtown Manhattan.
The exhibit will be open to the public for free from August 1-14, 2023, 9am-8pm, at Fosun Plaza (28 Liberty Street) in downtown Manhattan.
Song and Olin playfully reimagine the possibilities of matryoshka sets by portraying a diverse range of families, flora, and fauna, emphasizing the joy of discovery as each set is opened to reveal its inner dwellers.
Our mission became to transform the architecture into a levitating haven within the woods – a magical place where family generations could relish shared moments.
(中文) 2023年7月21日至2024年11月5日期间,西岸美术馆借1895年至今的近300件蓬皮杜中心珍藏,为中国观众带来一次前所未有的“览肖像 · 品艺术 · 识众生 · 思人性”超凡体验。
Despite the apparent isolation from surrounding land or activity, the figures express deep bonds and a sense of togetherness, security, and tranquility.
(中文) 基于 AI 的工具确实可以让你在业务落地和管理时更加智能和高效。这篇我们从底层思维出发,探讨如何有效地使用 AI 工具,通过一系列的准则和方法来获得最佳结果。
This innovative office interior design promotes a healthy balance between work and recreation, creating an environment that is as sustainable as it is inspiring.
(中文) 《影之道》方案将建筑的“活性”聚焦到中国南方一种半自然、半人工、半室内的集体空间状态“阴影”,识别并呈现了一类独特的“阴影”场所与建筑。
Completed in 1973, Jardine House set new standards with its robust design, fastest lifts, largest air conditioning chillers, and iconic 1,748 circular glazed windows that offer unobstructed harbour views.
(中文) 随着数字营销技术及理念的发展,企业实现了以用户为中心的精细化运营,不仅可以进行主动运营,也可以为各类用户精细化匹配不同策略,从而深度挖掘用户价值。