(中文) 不完全艺廊指南又有更新!陪你感受7月盛夏De多巴胺 II
by(中文) 7月de盛夏,让我们来一场说走就走的City Walk,在探寻城市艺术亮点的同时感受街头的多巴胺,收好这份又有更新的沪上不完全艺廊指南!
(中文) 7月de盛夏,让我们来一场说走就走的City Walk,在探寻城市艺术亮点的同时感受街头的多巴胺,收好这份又有更新的沪上不完全艺廊指南!
(中文) 7月de盛夏,让我们来一场说走就走的City Walk,在探寻城市艺术亮点的同时感受街头的多巴胺,收好这份又有更新的沪上不完全艺廊指南!
The White Tower demonstrates the ground-breaking possibilities of computational design and digital fabrication, which will fundamentally change conventional building in the years to come.
Bags: Inside out is one of the most comprehensive exhibitions dedicated to the ubiquitous, yet most coveted, of accessories, from the luxurious to everyday, the humble to iconic.
To create this artwork, a variety of “digital genes” were crafted to replicate the structure and form of Mesozoic plants and their modern descendants.
(中文) “六百年之巨匠:来自提森-博内米萨国立博物馆的杰作”展览在浦东美术馆开幕,并于6月22日至11月12日对外开放,为浦东的“社会大美育”建设提供助力。
(中文) 明确未来三年上海文旅要集中发力五个领域,即打造“数字文旅新基建”“技术工具新突破”“文旅元宇宙新场景”“数字艺术品新赛道”“沉浸互动新内容”等五大专项行动。
This year’s Hang Lung 66 Brand Campaign created immersive spaces at Hang Lung shopping malls, providing customers with a unique experience that blends art and fashion in seamless sophistication.
The city is welcoming back two more premier global trade fairs, Vinexpo Asia 2024 and APLF Leather, Materials + & Fashion Access 2024, while securing four new trade shows for this year.
In his new thought-provoking series “49/23,” Gregory Eddi Jones considers the implications of rapidly advancing technology by intertwining vintage photography and AI-generated images.