(中文) 艺廊指南:全球 39 场影像展览热推 🔛你的循环播放
by(中文) 八月流火,让我们放慢身心,用艺术作品为自己打造一个精神舒适圈,这不艺廊指南上新,在此荟集了39场来自全球各地的影像展览,快来一起🔛你的循环播放吧!
(中文) 八月流火,让我们放慢身心,用艺术作品为自己打造一个精神舒适圈,这不艺廊指南上新,在此荟集了39场来自全球各地的影像展览,快来一起🔛你的循环播放吧!
(中文) 本次展览以杰瑞·尤斯曼在二十世纪六十年代提出的“后成像”摄影理念为基础,展现四位国际艺术家穿越暗房与梦境、像素与想象、客观与虚构,将影像作为素材。
“Sirens,” by the artistic duo Cooper & Gorfer from 25th April, 2024 to 4th August, 2024, delves into the complicated relationship between feminine traits in established social concepts and the power deep in female body.
In celebration of Nobuyoshi Araki’s upcoming 84th birthday in May this year, the dual-city collaboration will present over 200 classic works, paying tribute to him in various ways.
(中文) 是什么让黑白摄影一直延续到今天?对于展览、出版和收藏领域的黑白摄影来说,去清楚地了解这种独特的美学在全世界摄影艺术收藏和爱好者心中的位置。
Chow is dedicated to supporting the Asian art community through his collection and his aim is to create an inclusive platform that attracts talent from across the world and promotes local art to a worldwide audience.
Showcasing the work of more than 150 artists, from well-established figures to emerging talents, PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai continues to be the meeting point for photography in China.
Fung’s portraiture unfolds a persistent dialogue as an intermediary to transfer and distribute the power of the transcendent to the subject while also sharing the glory from the opposite.
(中文) YOUNG剧场迎来2024年首次开放日,将于3月30-31日(周六-周日)两天对公众开放广场和剧场空间,策划了包括市集、展览、导览、工作坊在内的多种形式的活动。
Happytecture, a new book published by Counterprint, celebrates the last several years of their joy-filled practice of transforming ordinary locations into eye-catching, witty works of art.