(中文) 图鉴:多伦多遇到西雅图 老房子重塑带给你全新的城市生活
by(中文) 一套是在充满活力的多伦多市都能脱颖而出的玩乐之家,一套是位于华盛顿州西雅图的两层现代山墙住宅,不得不说同样都是让人心仪的房子。
(中文) 一套是在充满活力的多伦多市都能脱颖而出的玩乐之家,一套是位于华盛顿州西雅图的两层现代山墙住宅,不得不说同样都是让人心仪的房子。
We covered the walls and ceiling with lime plaster and lime paint (Mykonos by Bauwerk Colour) to give a feeling of rough luxury.
Crisp and modern with abundant daylight, the extensive and diverse collection of paintings and sculpture happily inhabit the space, along with their fellow human and canine occupants.