An Expression of Life – About Japanese and Korean Abstracts
byThese experiences have had a lasting impact on her artistic practice, driving her unwavering exploration of themes such as infinity and obliteration.
These experiences have had a lasting impact on her artistic practice, driving her unwavering exploration of themes such as infinity and obliteration.
Titled ‘The Full Gamut’, featuring over 40 unique design projects that seamlessly bringing together creativity and innovation, aesthetics and cultural heritage in a sprawling setting.
(中文) 对生活的内在本质有了全新的认知和对待,对艺术和收藏也是。这也是M 艺术空间一直在坚持的——向内寻求,沉下心来做自己,在欲望外化的消费主义时代里尤为难得。
Each project is the subject of in-depth analysis and continuous dialogue with clients to multiply innovative solutions, integrate additional uses and reveal the potential for each space.
Long dedicated his life to promoting Chinese culture through his technique coined the “composite picture”, in which the elements of another world were shown.
(中文) 就如斯堪的纳维亚源于自然的美学,我们要为生活而设计,注重功能实用、融合美感和以人为本,就从这儿让美学触角深入到生活的方方面面,一起来打造属于你的百搭空间新范式吧。
(中文) 我们要为生活而设计,注重功能实用、融合美感和以人为本,就从这儿让美学触角深入到生活的方方面面,一起来打造属于你的百搭空间新范式吧。
We admire and respect each other’s ways of working – at the heart of any project is not just the aesthetic – but how it feels to inhabit the environment.
The 368-page edition is teeming with charm, quirky compositions, and picturesque settings and even includes a foreword written by the famed director himself.
This apartment is designed with hidden retro red and blue colors, which not only brings us surprises, but also is exquisite and unique.