Corona Food Masks Make You Feel Optimism And Upswing by Hej Studio

Working with food and design in their daily studio work, they got to think of the many foods that organically wrap around our faces, covering mouth and nose.

In this completely new circumstances created by the Corona pandemic, that turned our lives upside-down, Hej studio explored the impact of face masks on our social life from a food designer’s perspective. Hej studio is a multidisciplinary food branding and design studio based in Bregenz, Austria and Copenhagen, Denmark.


Despite the importance of protecting ourselves from the virus, people are intimidated by face masks, especially in the Western cultures where we are not used to covering parts of our faces. The looks of most of the masks reminded us of hospitals and disease rather than optimism and upswing that we humans would need so badly to get through this crisis.



Hej studio wondered if there was a way of creating face masks that are more natural and pleasant. Working with food and design in their daily studio work, they got to think of the many foods that organically wrap around our faces, covering mouth and nose. Playing with cabbage, radicchio and co, they created the Corona food masks portrait series.



These food masks certainly don’t protect us against any virus but they might help us draw a friendlier image of the Corona pandemic and help us accept with less reluctance the use of face masks.





Photography by Felix Bereuter, Berri Productions

Via TL

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(中文) 初观此碑似觉平常,颇有剑拔弩张之势。然细察之则一招一式颇富变化,方劲整饬中寓清灵通秀之气。其一点二画,一如刀斫般齐整,干脆利落,节奏明快,极富动感。
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