(中文) 不可错过的好听音乐剧 让你在仲夏夜安然入梦
(中文) 除了百老汇璀璨夜的众多大热角色,还有梦幻演出远渡重洋,即将登陆上海!这些不可错过的好听音乐剧,让你在仲夏夜天天都能安然入梦。
(中文) 除了百老汇璀璨夜的众多大热角色,还有梦幻演出远渡重洋,即将登陆上海!这些不可错过的好听音乐剧,让你在仲夏夜天天都能安然入梦。
(中文) 这种 NFT 编码的数字标识符可以记录大量真实世界的购买和消费体验,以真实且可跨社区携带的方式将其融入我们的数字生活,并为品牌及其消费者创造令人兴奋的可能性。
(中文) 日前“多彩的沙丘”国际作品联展在昌硕文化中心亮相,来自多个国家的不同艺术作品陪你躲过骄阳,徜徉在这一盛夏。展出至2023年7月29日。
(中文) 不完全艺廊指南又有更新!不止陪你感受7月盛夏De多巴胺,这还有一众主打陪伴、可可爱爱的展览,很值得和孩子一起去徜徉在充满童趣而又治愈的艺术世界。
We are here to share a selection of rare opportunities for artists and designers to participate in the world, including open calls, awards, grants, and residencies.
The design unifies and highlights the museum’s interior and sparks a sense of wonder that verges on the spiritual, a key aspect of YI+MU’s philosophy.
Happytecture, a new book published by Counterprint, celebrates the last several years of their joy-filled practice of transforming ordinary locations into eye-catching, witty works of art.
(中文) 7月de盛夏,让我们来一场说走就走的City Walk,在探寻城市艺术亮点的同时感受街头的多巴胺,收好这份又有更新的沪上不完全艺廊指南!
(中文) 7月de盛夏,让我们来一场说走就走的City Walk,在探寻城市艺术亮点的同时感受街头的多巴胺,收好这份又有更新的沪上不完全艺廊指南!
The White Tower demonstrates the ground-breaking possibilities of computational design and digital fabrication, which will fundamentally change conventional building in the years to come.