(中文) 图鉴:拯救美好回忆的住宅长什么样?还有能显出你性格的翻新设计
by(中文) 就如斯堪的纳维亚源于自然的美学,我们要为生活而设计,注重功能实用、融合美感和以人为本,就从这儿让美学触角深入到生活的方方面面,一起来打造属于你的百搭空间新范式吧。
(中文) 就如斯堪的纳维亚源于自然的美学,我们要为生活而设计,注重功能实用、融合美感和以人为本,就从这儿让美学触角深入到生活的方方面面,一起来打造属于你的百搭空间新范式吧。
(中文) 本季以《美好生活》为题,探究这一模糊概念在当代仪式和社会实践中的效用,将消费艺术与何为过上有深度、有收获且令人满意的生活的最佳方式联系起来。
What is amazing is Liu Yi’s ability to keep himself amazed, he can always see and always be moved. He gathers and deepens the mind’s attention, acutely entering the inside world of things.
The spectacular Showroom will soon launch this flagship destination in October showcasing a newfound experience composed of sensational multi-dimensional art and retail elements.
“Dumpling the Tiger and Li” will invite viewers to follow them on transcending travel adventures around the world, inspiring life-changing journeys of their own.
(中文) 数字藏品是通过加密运算技术,将图片、音频、模型等数字资产或实体写入智能合约,具有独立认证代码和元数据,可供收藏、交易、流通。
The annual Drone Photo Awards announced its 2022 winners earlier this month, releasing a remarkable collection of images that frame the world’s most alluring landscapes from a rarely-seen view.
Featuring a diversity of expression, design influences and materiality, the end result is a welcoming three-bedroom, two-bathroom residence that celebrates a clean and cohesive design language.
(中文) 这个九月,一起相约博物馆吧!沪上各大博物馆接连推出丰富多彩的新展,来一场三个月不知肉味的巡城记,就在这两眼的视觉盛宴中,在上海正在和即将发生的艺术盛事里。
(中文) 来一场三个月不知肉味的巡城记,就在这两眼的视觉盛宴中,在上海正在和即将发生的艺术盛事里。游艺生活从艺廊网开始,欢迎关注艺廊网微信公众号“artthat”或访问HTML5官网订阅。