(中文) 跟着建筑读上海 从这条有福有开森的马路乘浪漫“巨轮”出发
by(中文) 上海正着力打造出一批以武康大楼街区为代表的体现人民城市理念和温度的文旅新空间、新体验、新名片。这里早已是城市“微旅游”的网红,每一幢建筑都在讲述着它独有的故事。
(中文) 上海正着力打造出一批以武康大楼街区为代表的体现人民城市理念和温度的文旅新空间、新体验、新名片。这里早已是城市“微旅游”的网红,每一幢建筑都在讲述着它独有的故事。
The spectacular Showroom will soon launch this flagship destination in October showcasing a newfound experience composed of sensational multi-dimensional art and retail elements.
“Dumpling the Tiger and Li” will invite viewers to follow them on transcending travel adventures around the world, inspiring life-changing journeys of their own.
The wish that came true considering hotel’s unassuming, relaxed character combined with modern sophistication that reflects the character of Athens so well.
Not only is it a perfect base to discover the rich history of Cracow but also an ideal spot for a weekend getaway when you still want to respond to e-mails yet do it in a setting unlike any other.
Today the Minervetta has become the owners home and their ‘guests’ house, beautifully decorated with personal collections and family furnishings Design objects.
Much more than a hotel, the Palácio [palace in Portuguese] is a guesthouse and sanctuary for the creative and inquisitive.
Here a mix of yellow, purple, green and orange brings us back to the late 70s and 80s, creating a fun and bold atmosphere.
(中文) 当你踏上这个被称为“地中海心脏”的小岛那一刻,把脑袋里的那些成见统统抛开吧。各个不同国家的文化在这里交织混合,你会被它“兼收并蓄”的精神所折服。
(中文) 一起去发现那些潜藏在生活中的“奇点”,比如有一种后生活在酒店和农舍之间摇摆。这一次呢,让我们潜进里山摸鱼、到圣佩德海湾捉迷藏吧,因为你来了真就不想走…