(中文) 免费大展上新!去“大烟囱”看“活性建筑”下的《影之道》
by(中文) 《影之道》方案将建筑的“活性”聚焦到中国南方一种半自然、半人工、半室内的集体空间状态“阴影”,识别并呈现了一类独特的“阴影”场所与建筑。
(中文) 《影之道》方案将建筑的“活性”聚焦到中国南方一种半自然、半人工、半室内的集体空间状态“阴影”,识别并呈现了一类独特的“阴影”场所与建筑。
Symmetry Apartment is an eclectic home located in Prague, Czech Republic, designed in 2020 by Ale Preda Architecture. The furniture uses vintage mid-century modern pieces mixed with contemporary ones.
The award-winning team is, insistently, on the lookout for a deep color sense and a strong use of the metaphor.
We should learn from Japan and use their experience for reference in projects, so as to better treat and retain diverse community cultures and improve the quality of life.
The interior, surrounded by landscaped garden, is divided into indoor and semi-outdoor, and a poetic striped pergola whose silhouette changes.