(中文) 踏上一场跨越600年的求知之旅 带走一卷浓缩的西方绘画史
by(中文) “六百年之巨匠:来自提森-博内米萨国立博物馆的杰作”展览在浦东美术馆开幕,并于6月22日至11月12日对外开放,为浦东的“社会大美育”建设提供助力。
(中文) “六百年之巨匠:来自提森-博内米萨国立博物馆的杰作”展览在浦东美术馆开幕,并于6月22日至11月12日对外开放,为浦东的“社会大美育”建设提供助力。
(中文) 这些作品反映了程先生作为个体收藏家某种独特的审美、视野和价值观,关注不同时空背景中创作者的行动、情感和梦想,以及由此投射出丰富的文化、艺术与时代信息。
It is easy to see how Alain Delon’s great eye has guided and informed the quality of the paintings, drawings and objects in his collection.
(中文) 春光灿烂百件雕塑尽显“中国姿态”,免费大展接二连三,收好这份沪上美术馆不完全观展指南,一起来看美展吧!展览信息以各美术馆最新公告为准,排序不分先后。
(中文) 上海正着力打造出一批以武康大楼街区为代表的体现人民城市理念和温度的文旅新空间、新体验、新名片。这里早已是城市“微旅游”的网红,每一幢建筑都在讲述着它独有的故事。
(中文) 展览将以教科书式的方式,通过精选52件/组展品完整呈现从文艺复兴至19世纪后印象派的欧洲绘画史,横跨400多年的美术史,囊括了各个时期的巨匠名作。
Through whittled busts and oil-based figurative renderings, Szeto alludes to a wide array of historical moments, significant figures, and issues that continue to impact the world today.
Paint and Brush are ripe for visual wordplay: Women’s work and their brush off from much of art history, whitewashing of culture, and bristling at patriarchy, bourgeois ideals and waste.
To achieve this design, the team employed the concept of duality: mixing history (the past), and invention (the future). The club space feels at once exuberant, artistic, and unconventional.
Tabloid Art History is the newest Twitter account to make dreams come true: justifying hours spent consuming celebrity gossip with its obvious connections to Renaissance masterworks.