(中文) 不完全艺廊指南又有更新!陪你感受7月盛夏De多巴胺 II
by(中文) 7月de盛夏,让我们来一场说走就走的City Walk,在探寻城市艺术亮点的同时感受街头的多巴胺,收好这份又有更新的沪上不完全艺廊指南!
(中文) 7月de盛夏,让我们来一场说走就走的City Walk,在探寻城市艺术亮点的同时感受街头的多巴胺,收好这份又有更新的沪上不完全艺廊指南!
(中文) 7月de盛夏,让我们来一场说走就走的City Walk,在探寻城市艺术亮点的同时感受街头的多巴胺,收好这份又有更新的沪上不完全艺廊指南!
Australian artist Daniel Agdag produces invented flying machines from cardboard, timber, and trace paper, turning his whimsical fantasies into highly detailed sculptures.
The 368-page edition is teeming with charm, quirky compositions, and picturesque settings and even includes a foreword written by the famed director himself.
“Loving Vincent” will be the world’s first feature length painted animation, with every shot painted with oil paints on canvas, just as Van Gogh himself painted.