Loving Vincent: Animated Story Of Van Gogh’s Last Days

“Loving Vincent” will be the world’s first feature length painted animation, with every shot painted with oil paints on canvas, just as Van Gogh himself painted.

Did you know that “Loving Vincent” will be the world’s first feature length painted animation, with every shot painted with oil paints on canvas, just as Van Gogh himself painted? Directed by the classically trained Dorota Kobiela and based out of Poland, over 100 painters were needed to create the film’s 12 oil paintings per-second animation. According to IMDB, the film should be released sometime this year.



“Loving Vincent is an investigation delving into the life and controversial death of Vincent Van Gogh, one of the world’s most beloved painters, as told through his paintings and by the characters that inhabit them,” reads the film synopsis.



The intrigue unfolds through interviews with the characters closest to Vincent and through dramatic reconstructions of the events leading up to his death.



More info: lovingvincent.com | kickstarter | Facebook (h/t: colossal)

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Via Bored Panda

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(中文) 赵孟頫,元代著名画家,楷书四大家之一,他博学多才,能诗善文。特别是书法和绘画成就最高,开创元代新画风,被称为元人冠冕。
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