Ulus House by Designist Makes An Elegant Setting For Admirable Artwork Collection

Design of the house is aimed to be minimalistic in its approach by furnishing with the valuable and iconic furniture of its time and also to make an elegant setting for admirable artwork collection.

Located in the prestigious housing area of Istanbul, in Ulus, the villa is looking down the magnificent view of Bosporus. Design of the house is aimed to be minimalistic in its approach by furnishing with the valuable and iconic furniture of its time and also to make an elegant setting for admirable artwork collection.

As you enter the living room, stepping up half floor from the entry door, wide glass facade viewing the Bosporus is like a framed artwork which is a part of every section of the grand living salon.

As being one of the first important renovation decision of the house was by retouching and re-polishing the existing dark reddish mahogany parquet flooring, into darker brown toned color to unite the space and to be able to make the artworks stand out in an unsaturated toned interior.

On the left narrow side of the fireplace Serge Mouille designed (1953) wall light was placed to give the balance to asymmetrical wall with its powerful design which serves as an art piece on the wall with giving a dramatic light at night.

All the grand salon walls were covered with suede finish wall paper, made a soft and subtle background for the giant and very valuable art pieces of the family. The lively color of the artworks gave the dynamism to the whole space.

Photography courtesy of Designist

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