ArtThat HD: Edvard Munch, The Fairytale Forest, 1901–1902

Edvard Munch The Fairytale Forest 1901–1902 Oil on canvas 79 x 106.5 cm The National Museum of Norway

Edvard Munch
The Fairytale Forest
Oil on canvas
79 x 106.5 cm
The National Museum of Norway

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(中文) 原是唐拓孤本的柳体楷书《金刚经》让你 “不执著一切”

(中文) 初观此碑似觉平常,颇有剑拔弩张之势。然细察之则一招一式颇富变化,方劲整饬中寓清灵通秀之气。其一点二画,一如刀斫般齐整,干脆利落,节奏明快,极富动感。
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