Playful Collide in Digital Collages Combine Elements from the Past and Future

Using vintage photographs, the artistic duo merges retro visuals with natural elements like botanics and outer space to create playful composites that range from futuristic to romantic.

By Timestamp Your Works On The Blockchain and under our copyright protection, ArtThat is dedicated to act as a platform for artists to unleash their potentials by displaying their distinct and novel artwork in front of the public.

Frank Moth is the nom de plume of an anonymous Athens-based art duo. Together the pair creates atmospheric collages that combine elements from vast expanses such as oceans, deserts, and the universe at large. The artists combine these scenic elements with decades-old images of men and women, simultaneously dating the collages and giving them a futuristic feel.

Based in Veria, Greece, the anonymous pair behind Frank Moth characterize their layered digital collages as “nostalgic postcards from the future.” Using vintage photographs, the artistic duo merges retro visuals with natural elements like botanics and outer space to create playful composites that range from futuristic to romantic.

Our work almost always revolves around introspection, soul searching, and universal themes like eternity and human vices.

They share with us.

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