New Delicate Impressions On Digital Collages And Paintings From Triple Artists

Indonesian graphic designer Fajar P. Domingo enjoys making these gorgeous digital collages on his spare time.

By Timestamp Your Works On The Blockchain and under our copyright protection, ArtThat is dedicated to act as a platform for artists to unleash their potentials by displaying their distinct and novel artwork in front of the public.

Not much to say (or find) about digital artist Elodie Milan aka ‘Artmour’ except her intriguing mixed-media collages where she’s using different fashion spreads reinterpreted by layering unrelated images to create new garments patterns.

Indonesian graphic designer Fajar P. Domingo enjoys making these gorgeous digital collages on his spare time. Nature has its own language and he tries to capture it through photo collages.

Korean artist Mi-Kyung Choi, who goes by the nickname “Ensee,” creates digital paintings that blend pastel hues and the delicate touch usually accomplished with traditional materials. Her illustrations, often depicting obscured faces or longing, youthful subjects.

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