Emotive Bubble Wrap Paintings “Obscura Series” By Cuban Artist Darian Mederos
byCurrently based in Nashville, Darian Mederos is a Cuban prodigy, who’s work focuses on painting the ubiquitous human face.
Currently based in Nashville, Darian Mederos is a Cuban prodigy, who’s work focuses on painting the ubiquitous human face.
(中文) 艺术家传记电影以艺术家生平作为背景去讲述故事,将艺术家的创作与生活的各个角度进行艺术还原并戏剧化,包括个人经历、艺术创作与浪漫情史等。
In Büttner’s first major solo show at Hamburger Kunsthalle, his mostly monumental canvases and bizarre, cryptic collages fill an entire floor of the contemporary art wing.
(中文) 从艺廊高清现已发布的名家画作中,十倍放大🔍、细腻入微的笔触,去深刻体会艺术创作和情感的表达,更从其中秒懂背后的艺术流派。
Jeff Roy and Drake Paul at first launched their latest personal series, “The Art of Quarantine” where they imagined social distancing in famous masterpiece paintings.
Vaughn Spann’s Dalmatian paintings, in contrast, lend an animate agency to geometric abstractions and, in the process, enervate color-field painting with life.
(中文) 来自韩国的雕塑家徐道获(Do Ho Suh)创作的“因果报应”(Karma)雕塑,由98个不锈钢的人像叠罗汉一般组成,每个人像被另一个站在身上的人遮住眼睛。
Paint and Brush are ripe for visual wordplay: Women’s work and their brush off from much of art history, whitewashing of culture, and bristling at patriarchy, bourgeois ideals and waste.
His process is about space, colour, deconstruction, breaking boundaries, understanding the living space in this fast moving world and human interactions within these spaces.
(中文) 从蒙娜丽莎、西斯廷教堂和图坦卡蒙国王的黄金面具,再到英国自然历史博物馆神秘的“坦克室”,该季里充满了我们已知的和未知的惊人真相。