Recap: The Immigration-themed Exhibit of Ai Weiwei Reflects The Global Pandemic
byOnce in 2017, as part of his multi-site exhibition, artist Ai Weiwei installed over 300 artworks for this multi-site, multi-media exhibition across New York.
Once in 2017, as part of his multi-site exhibition, artist Ai Weiwei installed over 300 artworks for this multi-site, multi-media exhibition across New York.
Sotheby’s is thrilled to present Contemporary Showcase: MEET AllRightsReserved, a charity online auction curated in collaboration with Hong Kong-based creative studio AllRightsReserved.
Working with repurposed objects, artist Paul Villinski explores themes of flight, environmentalism, as well as addiction and recovery.
EYE/EAST is a sale that is sweeping in scope, ranging throughout the entire Asian continent and spanning through 5000 years of history.
Suspended from the ceiling of Tate Britain’s Duveen Galleries is Welsh artist Cerith Wyn Evans’ installation, over a mile of bright neon lighting.
As we know, British sculptor and environmental artist Rob Mulholland usually creates eerie mirrored figure sculptures to reflect the natural landscape.
Tabloid Art History is the newest Twitter account to make dreams come true: justifying hours spent consuming celebrity gossip with its obvious connections to Renaissance masterworks.
(中文) 2019上海青年艺术博览会将于2019年11月13日至2019年11月17日,集结逾400位青年艺术家创作的1500余件作品,亮相上海世贸商城展览馆。
(中文) 赵孟頫,元代著名画家,楷书四大家之一,他博学多才,能诗善文。特别是书法和绘画成就最高,开创元代新画风,被称为元人冠冕。
(中文) 来跟随艺术大师们在画作与影像中细腻入微的笔触和情感,一起了解他们不平凡的人生轨迹与创作经历。梵高,荷兰后印象派画家。他是表现主义的先驱,并深深影响了二十世纪艺术。