(中文) 别被唐伯虎带歪 这才是古代文青聚会“打卡”的真正名场面
by(中文) 与文青有着前世渊源的古代文人,是雅士,是士大夫,他们没有咖啡店、黑胶唱片和中古的胶片相机,好友聚会“打卡”时,又是一个怎样的名场面?
(中文) 与文青有着前世渊源的古代文人,是雅士,是士大夫,他们没有咖啡店、黑胶唱片和中古的胶片相机,好友聚会“打卡”时,又是一个怎样的名场面?
(中文) 在这十佳美食博客中,烘焙已成为主角,当然还有营养均衡的自然健康食谱,也不止是把美味带到餐桌,更重要的是让你锁住Ta的胃软化Ta的心。
Overview Timelapse: How We Change the Earth takes a critical look at the numerous ways humans have completely altered the surface of our planet.
From Short films “Enough” by Swedish director and animator Anna Mantzaris
From UK children’s charity Childline, Directed by Catherine Prowse.
Inspired by “Feast of the Whole Fishes,” this three-courses menu is perfect for your holiday dinner celebration.
(中文) 一蟹、一虾、一牛排、两道鸡,各式主食、甜品和饮料,南北再无咸甜的纷争,一出手就一桌十五道美味的家宴,保证你能让所有人刮目相看,还满足而归!
Copenhagen-based photographer Mikkel Jul Hvilshøj created these images, presenting various recipes as minimalist photographs.
Dinara Kasko uses her background as an architect and 3D visualizer to produce geometric cakes that at first glance seem impossible to eat.
Most of her creations would look just fine sitting on a pedestal inside a contemporary art museum, but surprisingly everything you see here is completely edible.