Floral Set Design By Poppykalas: A Language Beyond Spoken Or Written Words
byPoppykalas not only uses them to build a trendy atmosphere but she rather highlight the product while telling a visual story.
Poppykalas not only uses them to build a trendy atmosphere but she rather highlight the product while telling a visual story.
Working with wine glasses, fresh fruit and natural light, Jill Burrow is known for her poetic still lifes that add a surreal touch to everyday foods and their rituals.
Here, the wait is depicted as a metaphor for an “introspective” state, revealing tension that occurs between patience and impatience, ‘calm and frenzy’.
Vaughn Spann’s Dalmatian paintings, in contrast, lend an animate agency to geometric abstractions and, in the process, enervate color-field painting with life.
(中文) 来自韩国的雕塑家徐道获(Do Ho Suh)创作的“因果报应”(Karma)雕塑,由98个不锈钢的人像叠罗汉一般组成,每个人像被另一个站在身上的人遮住眼睛。
The fusion of Mykonian traditional architecture with functionality and modernity, following the client’s way of living his house, is the hallmark of a Mykonos Architects project.
Jake Curtis, an award winning photographer based in London, his work tackles a broad range of disciplines oscillating between interiors, lifestyle, portraits and advertising.
Paint and Brush are ripe for visual wordplay: Women’s work and their brush off from much of art history, whitewashing of culture, and bristling at patriarchy, bourgeois ideals and waste.
(中文) 从古董级早期摄影到当代艺术影像,这里理出其中20位大师散装小笔记,去了解不同流派的摄影过程。就如摄影能成为一种能和绘画、雕塑相等同的艺术形式,Alfred Stieglitz应该是其中的核心人物。
(中文) 在这十佳美食博客中,烘焙已成为主角,当然还有营养均衡的自然健康食谱,也不止是把美味带到餐桌,更重要的是让你锁住Ta的胃软化Ta的心。