(中文) 2018在上海中心遇见旷世“丝路敦煌”
by(中文) 一个跨时代里程碑式的展览以创新和多维度的手法,呈现有史以来最高规格的文物,将1600多年前的敦煌文明与现代时空完美对话。
(中文) 一个跨时代里程碑式的展览以创新和多维度的手法,呈现有史以来最高规格的文物,将1600多年前的敦煌文明与现代时空完美对话。
(中文) 嘉德艺术中心远比一家博物馆更丰富,直接开放回应当代文化多元混合的现状,以中国式的融合叠加手法打通文化空间和公共职能,通过文化活动和生活方式揉合艺术和文化。
(中文) 由85岁的知名美国艺术摄影师Duane Michals掌镜,背景故事呈现英国演员Josh O’Connor担当主角指导模特Erik Frey表演魔术的奇幻场景。
Moncler launched their amazing new Fall – Winter 2017-18 advertising campaign featuring Invisible Man artist Lui Bolin, shot by American photographer Annie Leibovitz.
“Loving Vincent” will be the world’s first feature length painted animation, with every shot painted with oil paints on canvas, just as Van Gogh himself painted.
(中文) 上海盈艺术中心已于2017年3月17日呈现首个驻留艺术家项目展览——“范特西提克卡乐吧-Fantastic Color Bar”王建扬个展。
A new temple designed by Latvian architecture studio Mailītis Architects brings a whole new perspective to the legendary Shaolin monks: specifically an aerial perspective.
(中文) “理想家未来大奖IDEAT Future Award”选取这一年中最值得记取的各领域创新设计作品,呈现全球时尚、建筑、设计和艺术等领域的优秀作品和人才。
The shortlisted (top 10) and commended (top 50) photographers for all categories of the 2017 Sony World Photography Awards are announced today.
Designer Arthur Limpens’ solution was the Heng Balance Lamp, that relies on a pair of magnets suspended on strings to pull an internal switch.