(中文) 图鉴:多伦多遇到西雅图 老房子重塑带给你全新的城市生活
by(中文) 一套是在充满活力的多伦多市都能脱颖而出的玩乐之家,一套是位于华盛顿州西雅图的两层现代山墙住宅,不得不说同样都是让人心仪的房子。
(中文) 一套是在充满活力的多伦多市都能脱颖而出的玩乐之家,一套是位于华盛顿州西雅图的两层现代山墙住宅,不得不说同样都是让人心仪的房子。
Each project is the subject of in-depth analysis and continuous dialogue with clients to multiply innovative solutions, integrate additional uses and reveal the potential for each space.
Featuring a diversity of expression, design influences and materiality, the end result is a welcoming three-bedroom, two-bathroom residence that celebrates a clean and cohesive design language.
The highly detailed interpretations combine rustic rich textures like exposed brick with modern smother surfaces like concrete or metal.
The battles with the pandemic has pushed our industry to remain flexible and confident. And winning a MIPIM Asia Award now takes on a whole new meaning to be a leader and showcase adaptability.
Suspended within Rosa de Jong’s simple wooden frames are miniature dwellings that climb the steep, rocky terrain.
Each project is unique and deserves to be treated with due care and great attention to detail, as they are the ones that make spaces elegant, balanced and functional.
With a keen eye for detail and color, they have shot the most gorgeous house and private residence all around the world, the most exquisite hotels, open space interiors, and minimalist homes for the best interior design publications.
The gentle curvature on the interior staircase and clean lines throughout the home help imbue this minimalism with a pleasing sense of softness.
We should learn from Japan and use their experience for reference in projects, so as to better treat and retain diverse community cultures and improve the quality of life.