(中文) 不想成为野兽派创始人的律师不是好艺术家
(中文) 就在7月24日下午2点新一期的艺游人活动,让我们跟着最善于运用色彩的画家马蒂斯,和他一样把颜料泼向这烈日炎炎,也有属于你的“野兽派de夏天”。
(中文) 就在7月24日下午2点新一期的艺游人活动,让我们跟着最善于运用色彩的画家马蒂斯,和他一样把颜料泼向这烈日炎炎,也有属于你的“野兽派de夏天”。
“From the very beginning, my goal was to highlight and respect the core architectural elements of the apartment, as well as the period to which it refers, seeing it through a more modern gaze,” she points out.
(中文) Borea彷佛为户外而生,即使淋了雨也完全不要紧,但最重要的还是它看起来像一架飞机!Borea拥有着经典的设计,把二十世纪的传统转移到下个世纪。
We were led to this particular design choice as we consider that life in Greece, especially during the summer months is eminently intertwined with the countryside and the courtyard.
Might those three moments in different parts of the world conjure up a new woman? Who knows, so swift is the pace of life…
I Want Your Tears to Flow with the Words I Wrote is not a conceptual or chronological journey, but a continuation of Kusama’s lively universe, which invites us to partake in her transcendent practice.
For more than 25 years, Brooklyn-based American artist KAWS (aka Brian Donnelly, born 1974) has bridged the worlds of art, popular culture, and commerce.
It is a time of rebuilding: so much remains to be explored, beginning with womanhood, a concept that has changed quite a lot these past few years.
Crisp and modern with abundant daylight, the extensive and diverse collection of paintings and sculpture happily inhabit the space, along with their fellow human and canine occupants.
(中文) 和马史诗不仅是传承鼓舞世代工匠设计师、发挥巧思的精神指引,亦是嵌入日常生活美学、装点一物 一隅的创造灵感。