(中文) 咔嚓一下半个世纪 一位保姆记录的黑白与色彩告诉你欢乐满人间
by(中文) 一位保姆自学成才,用50年的热情借摄影记录了她身边的世界,除照片外还运用了家庭摄录机、录音机,为我们开启了一扇窗口,去一探20世纪后半叶美国的街头风情。
(中文) 一位保姆自学成才,用50年的热情借摄影记录了她身边的世界,除照片外还运用了家庭摄录机、录音机,为我们开启了一扇窗口,去一探20世纪后半叶美国的街头风情。
Israeli artist Zemer Peled explores both the beauty and brutality of nature with sculptures constructed from ceramic shards.
Fuel your wanderlust with intoxicating images created by these 3 ocean photographers from far-flung places around the world. From Italy to Australia, each captures the awe-inspiring natural world at its finest.
(中文) 就在7月24日下午2点新一期的艺游人活动,让我们跟着最善于运用色彩的画家马蒂斯,和他一样把颜料泼向这烈日炎炎,也有属于你的“野兽派de夏天”。
I Want Your Tears to Flow with the Words I Wrote is not a conceptual or chronological journey, but a continuation of Kusama’s lively universe, which invites us to partake in her transcendent practice.
For more than 25 years, Brooklyn-based American artist KAWS (aka Brian Donnelly, born 1974) has bridged the worlds of art, popular culture, and commerce.
While other items, such as pregnancy tests and prescription painkillers, trigger memories and immediately take us back to a specific time in our lives.
The artist’s lifelong fascination with the natural world is a perfect collaboration for her signature polka dots installations.
Viewers interested in design can view wonderful creations that perfectly reflect the traditions of the Hungarian furniture industry.
(中文) 将艺术家青春的回忆、与生俱来的色彩感,与先锋派几何学的分解结合,超现实主义的表现力一一呈现,重构夏加尔心中的那个充满诗意、满怀希望、梦幻般存在的独特世界。