(中文) 皇室与武士 波点女王和一名医生的上世纪纽约往事
by(中文) 一位大胆直视镜头,头上戴着一顶利落的鲜红假发,身上搭配了满布黑色圆点的红色连衣裙;另一位的嘴角上挂着谦逊的笑容,穿着沉稳的灰色西装。
(中文) 一位大胆直视镜头,头上戴着一顶利落的鲜红假发,身上搭配了满布黑色圆点的红色连衣裙;另一位的嘴角上挂着谦逊的笑容,穿着沉稳的灰色西装。
Takashi’s work is a reminder to our current reality which contains strange times as a result of the pandemic and the necessity of social distancing.
His visual language is rooted in punk and skate culture of the 1990’s that has adapted for our current state of media saturation.
Living and working in London. Colbert is known for his multidisciplinary approach, creating a “World of Art”.
(中文) 我希望这部片子通过深入浅出的,「说人话」的方式来表达建筑,而不是用很专业、冰冷的术语诠释建筑,就像生活中我们真的在跟建筑师聊天一样。
84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha is launching a video campaign to raise awareness around one of the world’s largest and oldest collections of writings.
(中文) 赵孟頫,元代著名画家,楷书四大家之一,他博学多才,能诗善文。特别是书法和绘画成就最高,开创元代新画风,被称为元人冠冕。
(中文) 来跟随艺术大师们在画作与影像中细腻入微的笔触和情感,一起了解他们不平凡的人生轨迹与创作经历。梵高,荷兰后印象派画家。他是表现主义的先驱,并深深影响了二十世纪艺术。
“Loving Vincent” will be the world’s first feature length painted animation, with every shot painted with oil paints on canvas, just as Van Gogh himself painted.