(中文) 春来·国风”YOUNG剧场开放日 | 两宜之初,昆曲正YOUNG
by(中文) YOUNG剧场迎来2024年首次开放日,将于3月30-31日(周六-周日)两天对公众开放广场和剧场空间,策划了包括市集、展览、导览、工作坊在内的多种形式的活动。
(中文) YOUNG剧场迎来2024年首次开放日,将于3月30-31日(周六-周日)两天对公众开放广场和剧场空间,策划了包括市集、展览、导览、工作坊在内的多种形式的活动。
(中文) 梦想画板就是这样一个能帮助我们认识自己、回归本心的工具,我将其称作“有灵魂的礼物”(Gift withSoul)。祈愿每个人都能在新的一年,寻得自己的人生之礼。
You recognize yourself in these moments of friendship as you do in the clothes you are wearing: light, free, open, solid. They are made to protect but not to hide, to envelop but not to hinder.
NBA-themed pop-up event for fans of all ages is announced from Monday, July 17 – Thursday, August 31 in the central atrium on the ground floor of the Olympian City 2 in Hong Kong.
Bags: Inside out is one of the most comprehensive exhibitions dedicated to the ubiquitous, yet most coveted, of accessories, from the luxurious to everyday, the humble to iconic.
This year’s Hang Lung 66 Brand Campaign created immersive spaces at Hang Lung shopping malls, providing customers with a unique experience that blends art and fashion in seamless sophistication.
(中文) 6月2日,《奇丝妙艺——世博与蕾丝艺术展》在世博会博物馆1号临展厅正式开展。本次展览对西方时尚中的蕾丝进行梳理,包括家纺、服装、配饰等类别,年代跨越18至20世纪。
Titled ‘The Full Gamut’, featuring over 40 unique design projects that seamlessly bringing together creativity and innovation, aesthetics and cultural heritage in a sprawling setting.
Along with the AI technology unceasing development and the improvement, it will be more and more profound to the fashion profession future tendency influence.
Adidas customers want to be able to express and try on different versions of themselves that everyday life might not allow them to, and how about you?